Το πρωί της Μ.Τετάρτης κατασχέθηκε όχημα που ερχόταν από τα Ανατολικά της Ναράα. Το όχημα μετέφερε νάρκες, όλμους, ρουκέτες και χειροβομβίδες Ισραηλινής κατασκευής, με ενδείξεις στην εβραϊκή γλώσσα.
A local source in al-Suweida said: "During operations aimed at tracking the movements of terrorist organizations and their methods to transfer ammunition, a car that contained Israeli-made anti-personnel mines, several RPG rockets and launchers and mortars of different kinds was seized." According to the source, the terrorist driving the vehicle was “liquidated” by the Syrian forces. Located near Syria's border with Jordan, al-Suweida province is inhabited mainly by the Druse minority.
Πηγή: Jerusalem Post http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Syrian-army-reportedly-seizes-Israeli-made-weapons-on-their-way-to-ISIS-452497
A local source in al-Suweida said: "During operations aimed at tracking the movements of terrorist organizations and their methods to transfer ammunition, a car that contained Israeli-made anti-personnel mines, several RPG rockets and launchers and mortars of different kinds was seized." According to the source, the terrorist driving the vehicle was “liquidated” by the Syrian forces. Located near Syria's border with Jordan, al-Suweida province is inhabited mainly by the Druse minority.
Πηγή: Jerusalem Post http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Syrian-army-reportedly-seizes-Israeli-made-weapons-on-their-way-to-ISIS-452497